The Origin of the Leslie L. Garratt Memorial VFW Post 6359, San Juan Bautista, CA
     In the month of February 1946, two local citizens by the names of Alex Zeller and Joe Cullumber Jr., both recently discharged veterans of World War II, reported that if enough veterans were interested in a post to be established in San Juan Bautista to contact them with said purpose in mind. Requirements would mean the signatures of between 20 and 50 veterans. The drive was then started to secure the required members.
     Subsequently the post was formed and Russel Garratt was installed as the first commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Leslie L. Garratt Post 6359. The post was named in honor of Commander Garratt's older brother who was the first man from the San Juan Bautista area to give his life in World War II.